26 Feb 2024 3min 32sec
- Hyundai E&C Selected as Preferred Bidder for Large Nuclear Power Plant in Bulgaria
- Accelerating to Target into European Nuclear Power Market with Unrivaled Technology and Experience
[ Location of Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant, Bulgaria ]
Hyundai E&C, credited with pioneering South Korea`s entry into the global nuclear power sector through the Barakah Nuclear Power Plant project in the UAE, has been named the pr...
- #Bulgaria
- #Global Nuclear Business
- #Nuclear Power Plant
- #NuclearEnergy
7 Feb 2024 2min 49sec
- Hyundai E&C Attains “Leadership A” in CDP`s Climate Change Assessment
- Hyundai E&C announced on Wednesday, February 7, that it has been awarded the highest level of ”Leadership A” for its response to climate change by the Korean Committee of the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), a renowned global organization assessing sustainability management.
Leadership A is a distinction given to only 300 companies, ac...
- #Hyundai E&C
- #CDP
- #Climate Change
2 Jan 2024 2min 22sec
- Hyundai E&C Achieves Double Win at the USA Good Design Awards
- Hyundai E&C won the Sports and Recreation category and the Building Materials category at the USA Good Design® Award on December 15.
The USA Good Design® Award is the world`s oldest design award, held since 1950 and organized by the Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design in Chicago, United States. The best designs are selected by a ...
- #Hyundai E&C
- #Good Design
- #Big Net Playground
- #H Wave Wall
14 Dec 2023 4min 40sec
- Hyundai E&C, listed on 「DJSI World」 for 14 consecutive years
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4 Dec 2023 3min 19sec
- Hyundai E&C to expand cooperation in the nuclear power plant project with Energoatom
[ Image of the LOI signing between Hyundai E&C-Energoatom. On November 30th (Local time), President Yoon Young-joon of Hyundai E&C (Right) and President Petro Kotin of Energoatom (Left) are taking a commemorative photo after signing the Letter of Intent (LOI) to cooperate in the overall nuclear power plant project in Paris, France ]
- #Hyundai E&C
- #Ukraine
- #Global Nuclear Business
- #Nuclear Power Plant
- #NuclearEnergy
23 Nov 2023 3min 50sec
- Hyundai E&C wins a prestigious, world-class landscape architecture award
- DH Xi Gaepo wins the Awards of Excellence for Residential category at ‘2023 IFLA Award’
Hyundai E&C once again proved its global design capability by winning the prestigious world-class award in landscaping.
On November 17th, Hyundai E&C received an Award of Excellence and Honorable Mention for Residential and Play & Playgr...
- #Hyundai E&C
- #2023 IFLA Award
- #ESG
16 Nov 2023 3min 27sec
- Hyundai E&C expands cooperation in the Ukraine infrastructure rebuilding project
- Hyundai E&C participated in the Rebuild Ukraine exhibition … Widening the scope to transmission and transformation project following energy and transportation infrastructure
[ Picture of MOU signing between Hyundai E&C and Ukrenergo. SVP Choi Young of New Energy Business Unit of Hyundai E&C (left) German Galushchenko, Minister of ...
- #Hyundai E&C
- #Ukraine
- #Boryspil airport
15 Nov 2023 4min 18sec
- Hyundai E&C, forms a partnership with the largest energy company RWE in Europe on the next-generation energy project
- “Partnership established to lead energy transition in offshore wind power, green hydrogen, and so forth”
[ Image of the MOU signinng between Hyundai E&C-RWE. On November 14th, President Yoon Young-joon of Hyundai E&C (Left) and CEO Sven Utermöhlen of RWE (Right) are taking a commemorative photo after signing the Memorandum of Unde...
- #Hyundai E&C
- #New Energy
- # Wind Power
- #Green Hydrogen
9 Nov 2023 3min 21sec
- Hyundai E&C-Korea Midland Power (KOMIPO)-KIND, Formed a private-public partnership to jointly enter the US solar power project
[Picture of MOU signing of Hyundai E&C-KOMIPO-KIND. President Yoon Young-joon of Hyundai E&C (Middle), President Kim Hobin of KOMIPO (Left), and President Lee Kang-hoon of KIND (Right) are taking a group photo after signing the MOU on the cooperation for the joint development of US solar power projects on November 8th at Ambassador Seoul Pull...
- #Hyundai E&C
- #New Energy
- #MOU
20 Oct 2023 4min 6sec
- Hyundai E&C, starting the renewable energy power brokerage business in earnest
- Hyundai E&C is expanding its scope of new business in the area of renewable energy power brokerage.
On October 13th, Hyundai E&C signed an agreement to start the ‘self-sufficient energy infrastructure construction and operation business’ of Namdong Industrial Complex in Incheon in earnest. Hyundai E&C (construction of power generation ...
- #Hyundai E&C
- #RenewableEnergy