Global No.1
Recognized worldwide for sustainability management
Our company has been added to the 2020 DJSI World 11 years in a row and selected as the Industry Leader for the eight time. These achievements have made Hyundai E&C become the only winner not only in Korea and but also in the Asian region. Our company has maintained its position in the CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) Korea Hall of Fame for third straight years, and attained Grade A three years in a row in the 2020 ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) rating.
No.1 in Domestic urban renewal orders
'Best record' since its foundation
This year, we recorded the highest amount of orders received since the foundation by successfully retaining our top position in orders for domestic urban renewal projects. The winning of the Hannam District 3 project in June, Korea’s largest redevelopment project, has moved our company into an unrivalled no. 1 builder in the industry. In 2020, Hyundai E&C has won orders worth 4.7383 trillion won in 17 major cities and the capital areas.
[ The Hannam District 3 project ]
Valuable overseas orders
Achieved $6.5 billion overseas even in difficult environments
In 2020, our company received large-scale orders around the world, further entering new markets. Hyundai E&C made inroads into the Panamanian market for the first time by winning a project worth 1.6866 billion dollars to build Panama Metro Line 3, and re-entered the Hong Kong construction market in 16 years since 2004 by receiving the 354.49-million-dollar order to construct United Christian Hospital. Hyundai E&C won 12 overseas projects worth 6.5 billion dollars around the globe in 2020.
[ United Christian Hospital in Hong Kong ]
Innovation in safety and quality
Committed to safety & quality control from the beginning of the year
Our company accelerated efforts to increase our competitiveness in smart construction technologies to take the lead in the fourth industrial revolution era. As part of this, we established a team specializing in smart construction in January and selected construction sites to introduce cutting-edge smart construction technologies on a trial basis. In November, a demonstration event was held to introduce 27 items regarding advanced smart construction such as BIM and wearable robots.
Smart Construction
Smart construction technology that drastically changed the construction site
Our company accelerated efforts to increase our competitiveness in smart construction technologies to take the lead in the fourth industrial revolution era. As part of this, we established a team specializing in smart construction in January and selected construction sites to introduce cutting-edge smart construction technologies on a trial basis. In November, a demonstration event was held to introduce 27 items regarding advanced smart construction such as BIM and wearable robots.
Win-win and Sharing
Growth with partners and neighbors
Our company has been awarded the Best Grade in Win-Win Growth Index this year for two consecutive years in recognition of the operation of a wide range of excellent programs for win-win growth. We have also been selected as the Grand Prize for social contribution at the 2020 Global Standard Management Awards hosted by the Korea Management Certification Institute. In addition, 1,734 executives and employees donated about 256.1 million won to the Love Sharing Fund.
Best Apartment Brand
No.1 Hillstate, THE H recognized in the world
Hillstate is considered Korea’s representative apartment brand. In 2020, our company paid special attention to changes in lifestyle driven by the coronavirus crisis and introduced new systems designed to relieve stress of Hillstate residents, promote untact communication and get rid of viruses. In addition, THE H solidified its position as a high-end apartment brand in the domestic housing market as THE H HONOR HILLS was awarded prestigious prizes on the global stage.
[ H Sleeponomics : Bedroom smart art wall product that enhances the quality of sleep with an optimal environment. ]
On-tact Promotion
Paradigm shift such as on-tact model houses and online exhibition
Our company utilized an online video platform to promote our model houses, the first of its kinds in the domestic construction industry. We made active use of a SNS channel to promote Hillstate and staged an online brand campaign, or Imagination Campaign. This year, we strove to provide more quality online contents and launched an owned media platform. Along with the homepage renewal based on responsive web design, Newsroom, aimed at connecting various online channels, was launched.
[ Hills-casting, the Youtube Channel for Hillstate, has reached 100,000 subscribers ]
Changed corporate landscape
Changed title and rank system, meeting by video
Our company drastically changed a title and position system to create a horizontal corporate culture and enable employees below the manager level to focus on their work under a more horizontal system. Many changes have been made to the corporate communication
culture this year: Business meetings are performed online based on the video conference function of our in-house messenger. Hyundai E&C will make continued efforts to create more efficient and happier business culture.